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Saturday, 21 July 2012

Internasional confrence on gender harmony empowerment

international confrence on gender harmony empowerment 2012 ( icge 2012 ) towards healty life - style , advancement , independence and family welfare free from poverty and domestic violence , hotel sari pan pacific , Jl MH,Thamrin , Jakarta , 11 - 13 july 2012 , gender harmony word is noted during 1995 in the beijing confrence ; however it is directed to partnership among sectors in supporting gender programes . while the gender harmony on relationship between men and women has been introduced widely in indonesia since desember 2010 with the support of minister of woment empowerment and child protection republic of indonesia during the 82 commemoration of indonesia mother's day . the concept and principles were discussed throughh cyber and networking earlier in following to the social media development , namely within pulsewire , voice of women , public policy forum ( ppf ) using blackberry messengers and gender and economics seminar in salzburg that consist of many countries from amertica , eourope , asia , africa and australia . it is hoped to give significant support on the achievement of gender equality in family life , comunity life and nation life in indonesia . harmony in family life , particulary among husband and wife will not born automaticlally , but within a process that comes from spirit and efforts to the common - needs , proper gender perception , creativity , practicing on togetherness , and to act in bringing the equal relationship and or expected condition , most important , helathy , free from poverty / hunger and free from domestic violence . the board of of advisor president republic indonesia in education and culture , Prof DR . Meutia Hatta Swasono has given also her writing in the gender harmony ( GH ) book wich has been launched on 16 December 2010 and published in Jakarta within ISBN No . 979-416-900-5 by Pustaka Sinar Harapan and delivered to all redaers through out the indonesia privinces by the gramedia , Kayu Manis and all other bookstores in indonesia . Gender harmony ( GH ) has placed family as the smallest elementary unit within the four aspects of process ; access , oportunity / participation , benefit and control for the four main living ears ; social , economy , culture and politicy of decision making process in the family based on egalitarian ethos . this is referred to human rights without eliminating the ' local wisdom ' . the main topic of gender harmony starts from economic as centrifugal of family life , which is hoped bring couples and families in indonesia ; booth poor , medium society and rich moving towards better life and harmony with health , advancement , independence ; free from poverty and domestic violence . economic is believed to be the central movement within family life . for the poor , more benefits if they understood the healthy life style ( nutition , breast feedung = ASI , delay the marriage age , safety - sex and so on ) ; hence to safe money / unnecessary cost due to lack of nutrition , diseases , domestic violence = KDRT , teen age pregnancy and so on . during 2011 , there other activities on gender harmony were noted . 1 ) on 8 march 2011 due to the international women's day celebration , it was noted for big movement in indonesia when the of women empowerment and child protection republic indonesia . Ms Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar S.IP endorsed calls for actions on promoting gender mainstreaming in family through educational and training to support primary prevention of domestic violence . it was delivered by the same time of launcing book ; how to prevent domestic violence which has been produced by the gender harmony book seriess ; 2) the third series of gender harmony ; gender skateboard has been launched also during august 2011 on the celebration of the 66 indonesia independence day ; and 3) the latest event on gender harmony public forum training was conducted during 19 - 20 december 2011 , these two later programmes have been also supported by the minister of woment empowerment and child protection republic indonesia and the board af advisory president in education and culture . The 2011 Gender harmony public forum training has graduated 88 women and 1 man among 94 participants , who came from KOWANI ( corps of indonesian women ) , non goverment organization , goverment employess , academics and private sectors , among them , there are 20 best participants ( 19 women and 1 man ) who have sent their proposals to continue the gender harmony movement in reaching the poor , as the primary target ; for gender empowerment to all districts / provincies in indonesia , the gender harmony public forum the continues being performed to help family ( men and women ) , particulary poor society to star their healthy life style , harmonic relationship , cottage / home industry and small economic within women and men support to have better synergy life in the future of family welfare . the overal aspects touched by gender harmony and its training to public have opened more oportunities to change also the biased culture , social and political environments in suppoting the milennium development goals ( MDGs ) achievement . it iscrosscutting among other areas for healthy life - style , social advancement and indevendence , family wefare that area free from poverty and domestic violence . what has beeen progressed in indonesia need to be shared to regional and global arena for further input and improvement as necessary ; thus this topic and its related challenges need to be explored in an international confrence on gender empowerment , which is planned to be conducted during 11 - 13 july 2012 . it shall build more productive result on gender harmony movement as well as sharing ideas and situation among regional and global providers to combat poverty , domestic violence , increase nutrition / reproductive health / healthy life style , human rights implementation and skills in creating harmony , advancement , indevendence and family walfare ; particulary for the poor . gender empowerment to couple and family is considerred becoming important due to people is most important as the subjects not as the objects of any programmes instead . most programmes have touched policy and or management in public service but missed the people voices , chioces and forces from their limitations as the poor because they have been put as therecipients only . the gender harmony training shall open chances to build people coping mechanism through sharing experiences , discussion on the gender harmony cases published in the gender harmony book series bassed on reality of life in rural on urban areas from their point of views as the subject ; and by at once also trained them for increasing the family economic skills , healthy life - style , anti domestic violence and colaboration within harmony in the family life . it is considered a complement strategy to support any governance programmed on service delivery through public facilities such as ; healthy centre , hospital , counselling , family social support and so on . by doing the above we may save the resources , energy and produce more effective result on family life to support the MDGs achievement . the world must know this and we may improve the movement as necessary and or the world may take advantages to this method . some intrests have been received based on networking activities . further activities and preparations need to be made , as well as support from the related government , NGO and international organization support in indonesia . reference programme ; the presidential instruction no 9 year 2000 on gender mainstreaming within all national development - as governance efforts to increase women's quality of life wihtinthe gender equality and equity . women as the mother of children of the nation in real life are still behind the men's status , although womens life expectancy is higher tham men's it is realized that planning , implementation , monitoring and evaluation on gende

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