There are so many ways to get free trafic to your website,blog and that too Unique trafic,to make money online Like Social bookmarking,writing articles,publishing news.
Social bookmaring:It is a method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata.You can submit your news, it can help you bring thousands visitors in an hours.So here is a list of some social website that you use. bloglog is a portal of large communites and members.Here you add Sites and Blogs you author.They have cool widget that you can add it your websites or blogs,you can track your visitors.It helps you providing large readers to your blogs,websites.can use. How do they do this? Everything on Digg — from news to videos to images to Podcasts — is submitted by there community and you can too. Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to see. They currently tracking 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media.They have special portal for blog where you can claim your blogs. Claiming your blog establishes that you are its owner, and allows you to use Technorati services to increase your blog's visibility.when ever you update your blog,technorati provides PING service,ping use to fetch your updated content,so you can get instant trafic. helps you discover and share great websites. As you see Stumble,they deliver high-quality pages matched to your personal interest. These pages have been explicitly recommended by your friends or one of 4,453,066 other websurfers with interests similar to you.So you can reach large viewers. Fark is a website a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site. Every day Fark receives 2,000 or so news submissions from its readership,reader means people like you.You can submit your website,blogs and interested readers can see it. So use this websites and get what you searching for,ie is traffic to your blog,website.
Articles: One of the secrets to tons of traffic to your website is to create one way back links to your website,blog. Writing articles is a way to get these back links.You can write and submit article in articles directories With back links .Some article directories are:-,,, goarticles,
Back links are imporant but writing new articles and updating your blog,website daily helps you to top search engine ranking,Why beacuse search engines are always looking for new content and that too fresh,please dont copy from some where else.Write atleast 5 articles in a week than see the result it can take time but my friend the "fruit of waiting is always Sweet".
Social bookmaring:It is a method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata.You can submit your news, it can help you bring thousands visitors in an hours.So here is a list of some social website that you use. bloglog is a portal of large communites and members.Here you add Sites and Blogs you author.They have cool widget that you can add it your websites or blogs,you can track your visitors.It helps you providing large readers to your blogs,websites.can use. How do they do this? Everything on Digg — from news to videos to images to Podcasts — is submitted by there community and you can too. Once something is submitted, other people see it and Digg what they like best. If your submission rocks and receives enough Diggs, it is promoted to the front page for the millions of our visitors to see. They currently tracking 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media.They have special portal for blog where you can claim your blogs. Claiming your blog establishes that you are its owner, and allows you to use Technorati services to increase your blog's visibility.when ever you update your blog,technorati provides PING service,ping use to fetch your updated content,so you can get instant trafic. helps you discover and share great websites. As you see Stumble,they deliver high-quality pages matched to your personal interest. These pages have been explicitly recommended by your friends or one of 4,453,066 other websurfers with interests similar to you.So you can reach large viewers. Fark is a website a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site. Every day Fark receives 2,000 or so news submissions from its readership,reader means people like you.You can submit your website,blogs and interested readers can see it. So use this websites and get what you searching for,ie is traffic to your blog,website.
Articles: One of the secrets to tons of traffic to your website is to create one way back links to your website,blog. Writing articles is a way to get these back links.You can write and submit article in articles directories With back links .Some article directories are:-,,, goarticles,
Back links are imporant but writing new articles and updating your blog,website daily helps you to top search engine ranking,Why beacuse search engines are always looking for new content and that too fresh,please dont copy from some where else.Write atleast 5 articles in a week than see the result it can take time but my friend the "fruit of waiting is always Sweet".
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